Wednesday, December 4, 2013

6 Ways to keep the "Fire-Blazing" between you & your Boo this winter!

As the nights get darker at an earlier time and the days get colder and colder, how will you keep the relationship with you boo "fiery warm" for the next few months of winter?

Here are 6 ways me and my Hubby intend to keeping the sparks alive this winter, in between all are holiday parties, Santa pictures at the mall and cookie baking with our kiddo (busy time of year, you all must know!).

1. Weekly Sensual Back and body Massages with our favourite products.

One of our go-to body massage oils are the sensual massage oils in Vanilla Jazmin from Bath and Body works. We love the smell and the fun we can have with it (don't think so kinky! We usually use it for back rubs and deep moisturising after we get out the shower at night). This is a great activity to try straight out of the shower when both of you are clean and relaxed and most-likely the babies are sleeping sweetly by now. Relax and just have fun with it!

2. Having a movie night together at least once per month.

Last week me and Chris went to go see The Best Man Holiday with another couple and it was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. I mean, for those of you who saw part one of this movie, it was WAYYYYYYY better, in my opinion. We laughed, we cried (if you ask Chris if he cried, he most certainly will tell you no), we were shocked and we laughed again. Spending time out of the home once in a while for a good movie date-night is a good way to re-connect, without the kids taking away from communicating and one-on-one interaction with your spouse. Just pick a movie you'll both will enjoy, find a babysitter for the night (ask your parents, sibling, or a good friend even) and dress up and go. You won't regret it after having a great night out together.

3. Playing a "dirty" board game with other couples (or just the 2 of us..)

One of the funniest way to spend time while getting to know each other further (intimately & personally) is to play a board game that causes you both to be vulnerable and open with each other in the comforts of your own home. One game me and hubby came across is More Dirty Minds Game from Amazon. Its fun, light-hearted and a great way to see what kind of mind your partner has! Fun times ahead, I promise you.

4. Reading together; Not just reading any book though...


Try reading a book about things you both want to improve or learn more about together... that way its a lot more fun than just "reading". You can try books on sex and intimacy like this one I just picked up at Indigo: Loving Sex: The book of Joy and Passion. It might seem very raunchy by the book cover, but oh is it ever enlightening and packed with tons of information, examples and pictures that teach couples everything from being open and honest with each other for closer intimacy to enjoying foreplay and so on. GREAT read for newlyweds or any couples that want to spice up their bedroom and relationship this winter! Keep that steam going ladies..

 5. Going to our favourite restaurant.

Chris and I love trying new foods together but we also love enjoying foods from restaurants we love such as Applebees! Their food is amazing to us and very affordable. We like to order yummy drinks, talk about our day, interesting things that happened that week and just enjoy spending time together. Its a tradition that we have kept since we started dating, that we go out at least 2-3 times a month, preferably on a Friday night and eat and relax together. It might be "boring" to some, but to us its something we look forward to and will continue to do this winter.

6. Lastly... have you heard the saying: The couple that Prays together, stays together?

(This beautiful home decor sign I found at this Etsy shop)
To us, this is a huge part of our relationship and faith. We always use to pray separately but now that we are married and living together, we like to end off the night in prayer together since we can (we don't always get to do this every night, but when we do, its a special time). Most times, one of us will pray while the other listens and we always hold hands and keep our eyes closed. That is just one thing that we do to keep our relationship with each other as well as with God intact and remaining close-knit.

I hope you enjoyed reading our special ways to keep the fire-burning this winter. If you like, you can  leave other tips and ideas that you and your boo might have in the comments section! I'd love to learn more! :)

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